The Continuing Education Program has been developed in order to maintain high standards of professional competence among Members of the Association and to strengthen the public’s confidence in the MALA. All Full Members and Interns (members who have been Interns longer than 7 years) and Affiliate Members are requested to continually monitor and submit on a required basis their Continuing Education (CE activities) online on the MALA website. See MALA Policy – Continuing Education Program and Ways to Achieve CE Credits.
Note: The 3-year mandatory submission term began January 1, 2024 and ends December 31, 2026. If the required credits are not submitted by the end of the term (December 31), the Member will be required to pay a penalty.
If you find CE resources that would be valuable to your fellow MALA members please email them to
- University of Manitoba Faculty of Architecture offers free past lectures on YouTube:
- CSLA offers CE learning opportunities: career-resources/continuing education and CE events in their calendar events/calendar
- Read an issue of Landscapes/Paysages Magazine:
- University of Calgary, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape | University of Calgary (
- Every month Vectorworks will host free industry-specific webinars! Check out Vectorworks University Webinars and Online Courses
- Complete a Landscape Architectural Continuing Education Society (LACES) course:
- Read Free “Open Access Articles” by Landscape and Urban Planning
- Take a free Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) through edX. edX: Founded by Harvard University and MIT in 2012, edX is an online learning destination and MOOC provider, offering high-quality courses from the world’s best universities and institutions to learners everywhere.